alteme licht ag / "poetry of shadows" /
communication concept for corporate culture
conception of a communication concept to communicate the corporate culture of the swiss lamp producer alteme. the company develops high end standard lamps with a high technical, qualitative and aesthetic demand.
where is passion created? what is the meaning of light? what connects alteme with architects and light planners?
what unites humans besides their technical knowledge of light? where are real conversations born? where is a common ground for meaningful, personal and technical pursuit?
how to support this fusion that sets impulses for creativity, society and economy? how to support the best case scenario wich creates new, sustainable, cultivated concepts and research areas?
where ensures the brand responsibility apart from everyday business? which cooperations can be created out of it? based on this questions 22quadrat developed the communication concept "the poetry of shadows".
the concept reflects the quality of light such as quality and attitude of the company due to lightning and processing. furthermore it gives a link to the altemes understanding of wholeness and equality of things. based on the developed concept 22quadrat creates the complete communication of the fair and the exhibition stand during the fair. the concept is calculated for a long term communication strategy.
during the process of the conception it was extracted that the most important criteria for a sensible and intelligent lighting of the room is not the light itself but the shadow that is produced. it gives the room its natural, sentimental atmosphere - focused on attention and concentration. due to this room situations were created which are based on the human being and grant him an intensive moment of experience, that goes far behind the specialist knowledge of the visitor. 22quadrat wanted to create a special vivid experience that is mostly orientated on the human inside the visitors.
most important thing was to develop an uncut image that implies "the poetry of shadows" without showing it on an too obvious way. "poetry of shadows" lives from traces, hints and vagueness to give the viewer the possibility to create own images and emotions for the room. the concept lives from experiences and exchanges like an adventure.
the concept "poetry of shadows" offers apart from a temporary event enough free space for more creative impulses for employees, clients and partners. the concept shall encourage the dialogue with similar disciplines and research areas. furthermore it shall inspire the different areas among themselves. long term goal of "poetry of shadows" is to deepen the topics of light, room and human experience to encourage an economic, cultural and sustainable behavior.
alteme licht ag / "poetry of shadows" / communication concept for corporate culture / aarau / switzerland / 2014 – 2015 /
photos: 9sekunden
awards: if communication design award 2013 / german design award 2014special mention / exibitor design award 2013